The Equine Blog

Optimal advice on equine horse health


Post Viral Syndromes in Equines

We commonly hear of ‘viral infections’ being blamed for a horse’s poor performance, recovery, lethargy or general lacklustre health. The horse who doesn’t look a...

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Omeprazole and Stallion Fertility

With our attention on the breeding season, looking at ways we can increase stallion fertility parameters and resulting pregnancy rates in broodmares is of immense...

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Probiotics for Horses Optm Equine

Probiotics for horses

Probiotics for horses is something which is continuing to become more popular. Many feed and supplement companies are now adding probiotics to their formulations. Plenty...

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Why is my horse eating manure?

Help! Why is my horse eating manure?

Eating manure (also known as coprophagy), is a common, yet transient phenomenon in foals. Coprophagy is thought to potentially offer multiple health benefits in foals....

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Diarrhoea in Foals

Diarrhoea in Foals

Up to 40% of diarrhoea cases in foals are due to Rotavirus infection. Other common causes of diarrhoea in foals include Foal Heat Scours. In...

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Hoof Health Beyond Biotin

Hoof Health: Beyond Biotin

When thinking about nutrition for hoof health, biotin gets a lot of attention. Supplemented in appropriate amounts, biotin may help to improve hoof wall integrity....

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To ice or not to ice?

Here in the Southern Hemisphere, we’re enjoying warmer weather and competition season in various disciplines is in full swing. As a result, it is commonplace...

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