
Foal feeding habits and growth

Did you know that when a foal is born, it weighs approximately 10% of its mature body weight? This can vary however from about 7% of mature weight in draft breeds and up to 14% of mature weight in small breeds such as Shetlands. On average, a healthy young foal will gain 0.5-1.5kg of weight daily.

At birth, foals have only achieved approximately 17% of their mature bone mineral content. What we feed our broodmares (and therefore, the nutrients passed from a mare’s milk to her foal) has significant influence on healthy bone and joint growth and development, immune function, and overall health. A newborn foal consumes 15-25% of its body weight in milk daily. It may also nurse from its mother an incredible 70-80 times per day! In the first few days of life it may nurse even more frequently…as often as every 10 minutes.

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